The B-24 Bomber Thumbnails with Captions

By: Chris Miller

Th B-24 sitting on the ramp in the morning
sunlight covered with dew.

The pilot does a very thorough pre-flight inspection...

All four P&W's rumbling at an idle, ready to taxi for takeoff.

Shots from the navigator's windows...
Big Pratt & Whittney's at 2200 RPM.

From one of the large open side windows.

The catwalk in the bomb-bay. The "floor" is really rollup doors.

Mid-ship, looking back. Brown case in foreground is for .50 ammo.

Looking back at the tailgunners bubble. Yellow tanks are for Oxygen.

The tailgunner's gunsight.

Crawling beside the nosewheel (left) into the radio room.

In the radio room looking up into the nose-turret.

How does anyone fit in this nose-turret?

Watching the Alsea area whiz by from the nose.

The co-pilot (right seat) did most of the flying on this mission.

Closeup of the instruments, a few more than a Cessna, eh?

"Nine-o-nine" The B-17 beside us (closer than she looks!)

Checkout these:
The B-24 Bomber Adventure
B-24 Liberator Specifications